Thursday, August 12, 2010

New Cast

Here is our embrace the camera for this week. We were too traumatized to make a post last week! Here we are with Bennett's new green cast. He got it today!

We went to the doctor to make sure everything is going OK with his arm. Dr. McAlister said he was healing nicely, but still needed the cast for a couple more weeks. The picture of them turned out so cute! (He will smile with the doctor, but not with me!)

This is Mary. She is such a sweet nurse. She put on his cast and let him play with all the fun equipment.


  1. oh wow! just read about your traumatic scary!

    he does look cute in that cast though... ;)

  2. What a cutie pie! Did he get to choose the color?

  3. Bummer that he has it on for a couple more weeks ~ but I do agree with Emily... it is kind of cute....

  4. Yikes. I guess this is in my future with a little boy huh? Glad he is ok.

  5. Did you get green for your school?! :) So cute Lindsey! He is getting so big and looking more like his daddy.

  6. Glad his appointment went well! I love the new green cast!

  7. I love that Emily Anderson reads your blog and comments. I started stalking her after you did the very first Embrace post. She's so stinkin' cute along with you and Bennett. Love the green cast!

  8. aww! i hope it heals quickly. poor little guy. i'm glad he's ok!

  9. Picked a great color buddy! My little guy broke his arm when he was 5, but unfortunately he did have to have surgery to put in 3 pins. That was 8 years ago, now he's 13 and 6 days ago, he broke his collar bone body surfing at the beach with his dad. And I thought we were all done with broken bones. He seems like a real trooper. Glad he's ok.

    banana pancakes


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