I know I've typed it a million times, but our boys are so lucky. They have all four grandparents within 1 hour of them. I love when we have days where they see all of their grandparents in one day. It makes it a special "rainbow" day! A "rainbow" day is when you just feel God's presence and you just know it is there. Those are some great days.
We were so thankful that Nana was with us this weekend. While Neil and I went to Sunday school on Sunday morning, they kept the boys. Henry was napping and Bennett was playing so we thought they would have an easy time.
We received texts during Sunday school that said "
Scoop on the Poop Part Deaux!" Whew. We knew from that text that we avoided something huge! When we got home we found out that Henry had destroyed his body, bed, and everything else with an exploded diaper! Nana said that he had it from head to toe, in his hair, and all over his face. She said that Rebecca and Richard were just staring at everything and gagging. Nana cleaned up EVERYTHING alone! Thank you so much, Nana! She washed clothes, sterilized the bed, bathtub, and Henry. We appreciate you so much!
(there are no pictures of the debacle!...Nana ran under the radar of the camera...she must have still been cleaning!)
Nana and Grandad came in and stayed with us for the Tech game. Grandad and Nana wanted to make sure Bennett got to carve a pumpkin with them before Richard leaves on his 6 week sailing expedition. So, after lunch and family pictures, we headed to the pumpkin patch. Nana, Grandad, and Bennett picked out 3 great pumpkins.
Bennett thought the guts in the pumpkin were "gross!" |
It's fun to carve pumpkins with Grandad! |
Gammy came over to eat and play |
And Pops even stopped by for a quick visit! |
I am so glad that we live so close to our relatives. It is a mighty special thing to get to see all 4 of your grandparents in 1 day!