Bennett slept until almost 8 am today! It was great. We had a nice, laid-back morning complete with playing outside and Neil getting a fruit and yogurt parfait from Another Broken Egg for me! We got ready for the day and then headed out to Artbreak. Artbreak is a festival for kids art. Bennett got to make a couple cute things. They are still making some of the same stuff from when I used to go to Artbreak as a kid!
Our first stop was the mask making table.
Next stop was the beret table. I think he looked so cute!
They even had the fish transfer paintings. I remember making these as a kid, but they were with real fish and only black paint. They have rubber ones now and lots of different colors of paint.
Bennett liked the chalk wall!
We headed to the boardwalk to pick up a couple pairs of shorts and shirts for Bennett. I even got a couple things that will work for my growing belly! We came home and headed next door for Alex's 2nd birthday party. We were about 2 hours late so we dropped off the gift and came on back for a nap.
I was glad that Leslie went with me to chaperon the CSHS prom. I said that I would attend from 8-9 because I get so tired at night. I was excited to see my students all dressed up. Some of them even had their prom hair done yesterday at school. Leslie and I even took a picture in front of the back drop!!! We looked kind of silly, but it was fun!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Royal Wedding
Since I use this blog as a way to keep our history...I want to remember that we got to experience a royal wedding! I watched a little bit of the coverage, but did not see any of the wedding and I was certainly not going to wake up at 3am to watch. I did watch a little bit of "Charles and Di" this morning. I love the whole idea of the royal family. During our little stint in London, Leslie and I toured Buckingham Palace on the last day that it was open for tourists. We were so glad we made it before it closed for tourists. I took a little trip down memory lane and looked at my London scrapbook!
I took a picture of the scrapbook page when we went to Buckingham. Lisa is with us in the top right picture!
Here we are in front of Westminster Abbey.
Neil came to visit me for a couple weeks and we went by Buckingham. We look so young and thin in this picture!
And here are the Windsors...I took this from the Internet...this is not one of my personal photos.

Duchess Lindsey Musgrave Lewiston of Shreveportshire
Sir Neil Neville Lewiscock of Shreveportford
Prince Bennett Fearnsley Lewiston of Shreveportpool
I took a picture of the scrapbook page when we went to Buckingham. Lisa is with us in the top right picture!
Here we are in front of Westminster Abbey.
Neil came to visit me for a couple weeks and we went by Buckingham. We look so young and thin in this picture!
And here are the Windsors...I took this from the Internet...this is not one of my personal photos.
Stephanie did something fun on her blog where she generated her royal name! I did mine, Neil's, and Bennett's names. Go here to generate your name. I can't wait to hear what it is!
Duchess Lindsey Musgrave Lewiston of Shreveportshire
Sir Neil Neville Lewiscock of Shreveportford
Prince Bennett Fearnsley Lewiston of Shreveportpool
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Draft Party
Neil had a great idea to have a little gathering at the house tonight for the NFL draft. He loves to have people over to his "man cave." He came home at lunch to put chicken on the smoker for all the guys. He did a great job setting everything up. I got home from my Learning Center class and saw this...
He used Bennett's easel coloring paper to cover the island. Great idea, Neil! You know how I love to keep the place tidy.
A few guys from work and a couple friends came over to watch. Bennett was LOVING having all the people over. He thinks it is so cool when people are "uh-stairs." He loved that he and Trey Pittman had on the same shoes...he even went to show him.
Since we needed to give the guys some time without a 2 year old running around, Bennett and I headed to a the Frozen Frog for a little date.
He loves pulling the yogurt handle to get his yogurt! Bennett got orange and strawberry yogurt with grapes, gummy bears, and sprinkles!
We love the Frozen Frog. I am thinking about having Bennett's 3rd birthday there. I will always need a place that is inside for his December birthday.
He used Bennett's easel coloring paper to cover the island. Great idea, Neil! You know how I love to keep the place tidy.
A few guys from work and a couple friends came over to watch. Bennett was LOVING having all the people over. He thinks it is so cool when people are "uh-stairs." He loved that he and Trey Pittman had on the same shoes...he even went to show him.
Since we needed to give the guys some time without a 2 year old running around, Bennett and I headed to a the Frozen Frog for a little date.
He loves pulling the yogurt handle to get his yogurt! Bennett got orange and strawberry yogurt with grapes, gummy bears, and sprinkles!
We love the Frozen Frog. I am thinking about having Bennett's 3rd birthday there. I will always need a place that is inside for his December birthday.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
24 Weeks! AKA 6 months!
24 weeks with Henry:
24 weeks with Bennett:
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: 11.4 inches (from i-pregnancy app)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 16 pounds (disgusting! I need to lay off the Reese's eggs.)
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity...I can still wear regular shirts.
Gender: A beautiful boy! His name will be Henry William Lewis.
Movement: He is moving more and more. He seems to move right before I go to bed and right when I wake up. Hopefully this will be his sleep pattern when he arrives!
Sleep: I sleep really well except for the bathroom breaks and tailbone pain.
What I miss: sleeping on my back
Cravings: Apple Jacks cereal (no milk) & fruit and yogurt parfaits
Symptoms: tail bone pain...when I do too much it really hurts to walk or sit. Lying on my side is the best way to relieve it.
Best Moment this week: On Sunday, I heard Bennett stirring around on the monitor and about the same time Henry started moving. Maybe they will be on the same schedule!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Date Night!
Neil and I started our weekly date night with a romantic trip to the doctor. I had my 4 week appointment and my sugar test. I am always so glad that Neil meets me at all of my appointments.
Since I am a true blogger and I love to document everything, I had Neil take my picture drinking the sugary drink. I look a little like a weird-o in the picture, but you get the idea. I got it all down in 4 1/2 minutes before my 5 minute time limit was up!
We headed back to the doctor for my check-up. I had a great report, but I am disgusted with my HUGE weight gain. I need to seriously lay off the Reese's eggs. We went to the lab to sit around and wait for them to take blood. You have to wait an hour from the time you drink to the time you have blood drawn. Apparently I have tiny, hard to find veins because they can never get me on the stick! Thankfully, Neil was there to hold my had through the pain. They stuck my arm and the vein blew. I already have an ugly bruise. She was able to get me on my hand. When we left, Neil said I looked like an American Gladiator with my hand and arm wraps!
Since I am a true blogger and I love to document everything, I had Neil take my picture drinking the sugary drink. I look a little like a weird-o in the picture, but you get the idea. I got it all down in 4 1/2 minutes before my 5 minute time limit was up!
We headed back to the doctor for my check-up. I had a great report, but I am disgusted with my HUGE weight gain. I need to seriously lay off the Reese's eggs. We went to the lab to sit around and wait for them to take blood. You have to wait an hour from the time you drink to the time you have blood drawn. Apparently I have tiny, hard to find veins because they can never get me on the stick! Thankfully, Neil was there to hold my had through the pain. They stuck my arm and the vein blew. I already have an ugly bruise. She was able to get me on my hand. When we left, Neil said I looked like an American Gladiator with my hand and arm wraps!
This is what my arms looks like 5 days after the needle!
After the doctor, we headed to Lowes to pick out some flowers for the front and back yards. Neil has become slightly obsessed with our yard. He says that our grass is the worst on the street. I never noticed until he mentioned it and pulled the Google earth pictures. Everyone else has lush, green grass and we have a brown patchy yard. We have even had Green Works spray! Hopefully we will get it under control soon.
For dinner, we ate at Moe's. We then hurried home to meet Gammy and Bennett to wait out the tornadoes! All in all it was a good night!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter 2011
Bennett was up bright and early for Easter Sunday. He was excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought for him. Look at that morning hair!
He got a few eggs that had fake plastic bugs in them. He was NOT loving them. He was even a little scared. Poor guy.
He did not get very much candy and I think he was disappointed! Every time he opened an egg with no candy in it...he looked at me like I was crazy!
He got a few eggs that had fake plastic bugs in them. He was NOT loving them. He was even a little scared. Poor guy.
He did not get very much candy and I think he was disappointed! Every time he opened an egg with no candy in it...he looked at me like I was crazy!
Daddy got up and opened his fun Easter Bunny gifts. He got 2 pairs of flip flops and this picture of he and Bennett framed.
After church, we headed to Aunt Catherine's house for Easter lunch. Bennett was such a big boy eating with the cousins.
A Lewis Family photo
We were excited that everyone came over after lunch to see our house. Andrew and Bennett had a ball playing "horsey!"
The Ruston Easter Bunny even bought me a fun bath and body works goodie bag! It was so nice...I used the shower gel last night!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Learning Center Easter Celebration
We have been planning a fun Easter party for the active clients at the Ark-La-Tex Learning Center for about a month now. We had a great turn-out and I was so excited about that! I was thankful that we had plenty of volunteers to help out including: Neil, Leslie, Mom, Beau and Leigh, and lots of clients. Neil grilled hot dogs for everyone and Leigh painted faces. We had a preacher there to give a little Easter message for everyone. The kids each got a basket and got to find 15 eggs each. We decorated cookies, had face painting, and Easter Bunny pictures. I think everyone had a great time. One of the moms told me that this party was going to be the only Easter they were going to get. I was so glad that we got to do this for them!
So many of my friends donated baskets, eggs, Easter grass, and other items to make it a success. The Captain Shreve HS Z-Club donated goodie bag fillers and about 300 filled eggs! Our church, FUMC donated all of their left over goodie bags from their Easter egg hunt and let us borrow their bunny costume. Neil's Aunt Catherine bought all of the hot dogs and buns. Sylvia (the assistant director) kept saying "isn't amazing what God does?" It really is. We didn't know where we were going to get half of the stuff we wanted to do...and we ended up with leftovers!
THANK YOU to everyone that helped make it a success! We are hoping to have one every year.
I didn't want to upload any pictures of people that I don't have their you will know most of the people. I just want to give you an idea of the awesomeness that is the Learning Center. It is so great that we have such a neat organization in town.
A family photo...not so cute...but we were all there having fun!
Now, we just have to start planning the Mother's Day luncheon!!!
So many of my friends donated baskets, eggs, Easter grass, and other items to make it a success. The Captain Shreve HS Z-Club donated goodie bag fillers and about 300 filled eggs! Our church, FUMC donated all of their left over goodie bags from their Easter egg hunt and let us borrow their bunny costume. Neil's Aunt Catherine bought all of the hot dogs and buns. Sylvia (the assistant director) kept saying "isn't amazing what God does?" It really is. We didn't know where we were going to get half of the stuff we wanted to do...and we ended up with leftovers!
THANK YOU to everyone that helped make it a success! We are hoping to have one every year.
I didn't want to upload any pictures of people that I don't have their you will know most of the people. I just want to give you an idea of the awesomeness that is the Learning Center. It is so great that we have such a neat organization in town.
A family photo...not so cute...but we were all there having fun!
Now, we just have to start planning the Mother's Day luncheon!!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
And the winner is...
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Embrace the Camera
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
23 Weeks!!!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: 11.4 inches (from i-pregnancy app)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 5 pounds (probably way more by now...just haven't been to the doctor)
Maternity Clothes: All maternity pants and dresses. I haven't broken out the shirts yet. They will be coming soon.
Gender: A beautiful boy! His name will be Henry William Lewis.
Movement: He is moving more and more. He seems to move right before I go to bed and right when I wake up. Hopefully this will be his sleep pattern when he arrives!
Sleep: I sleep really well except for the bathroom breaks and tailbone pain.
What I miss: nothing!
Cravings: I am LOVING Reeses peanut butter eggs and Apple Jacks cereal (no milk)
Symptoms: tail bone pain...when I do too much it really hurts to walk or sit. Lying on my side is the best way to relieve it.
Best Moment this week: Feeling Henry move more! Neil got to feel him move, too!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Tutu Giveaway!
My friend, Mallory has an awesome tutu business and she is giving away a tutu and matching doll tutu on my blog! I am so excited about this giveaway! I actually gave one of her tutus and doll tutu to a cute 2 year old on Saturday. She loved it!
Here are the cute tutus...
The deal is so great because you get the matching doll tutu with your purchase. Here is an example.
Look how cute this spring tutu is...
This is the one Bennett gave Elodie. It was so cute when she pulled it out of the gift bag! Everyone said "OH HOW CUTE!"
I love this one!
Here are the cute tutus...
The deal is so great because you get the matching doll tutu with your purchase. Here is an example.
Look how cute this spring tutu is...
This is the one Bennett gave Elodie. It was so cute when she pulled it out of the gift bag! Everyone said "OH HOW CUTE!"
I love this one!
Anyway, Mallory can make them in any color. You get to choose! So how do you enter? Each person can get up to 7 entries. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
- Leave a comment telling me what size and color you would love to have
- Become a follower or tell me you are one
- Receive 5 entries if you purchase a tutu from Mallory
I can't wait to use the random number generator on Friday, April 22nd at 12 noon to tell the winner! This is so fun!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Date Night!
We had a great time on our date night. We went to Cush's and Wal-Mart. Mom instituted a date night for us a while back. She offered to keep Bennett every Tuesday so Neil and I could have time together! It is so sweet of her to do that. Thanks, Mom!
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