Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sidewalk Chalk Paint

After seeing the beautiful designs people make with sidewalk chalk paint, I thought we needed some.  I picked up some corn starch and we whipped it up.  I saw this post that got me excited about this project! The recipe was easy enough with just corn starch and water and food coloring for extra fun.  We made it with 1 cup corn starch and 2 cups water.  I made it in a big bowl and then spooned it into the muffin pan.  Wrong idea.  I should have made it in EACH muffin cup.  It was hard to spoon in due to the stiffening nature of corn starch.

The boys had a blast making it.  It was a huge mess, but I am trying to let me OCD tendencies go for the sake of fun.  Bennett kept trying to color everything with blue food coloring because BLUE is superior in his eyes!  Henry kept trying to get on the chair to help and Bennett kept pushing him down.  Oh, the memories this will bring.

So, we finally whipped up our colorful concoctions and headed out to paint.  The only problem was I have NO paintbrushes!  I found a face painting brush and a sponge that were going to have to work.

Our pretty colors BEFORE.

Henry was extra excited. He would dunk his ENTIRE hand in the chalk.

Beautiful creations

Our chalk palate AFTER.

Henry sat right in the wet chalk.

He also touch everything!

I moved us straight to the back yard for sprinkler and lunch.  We even had popsicles after!

We love our chicken nuggets from Ella Grace and Emery!

Bennett was less thrilled that H was taking his seat.  Brothers!

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