Neil went on his annual camping trip to CFB island this weekend with 5 other guys. CFB stands for College Football because they camp and watch football with a TV and satellite. Sounds like they were roughing it. I begged him to take some pictures for the blog. I made requests like "take some of the camp and get some pictures with you in them!" This is what I got out of him...
This is the only picture of Neil I have...the cute feet in flip flops. Chris is wearing some Crocs that Bennett and Shep have. I've never seen an adult with these! ha! |
Looks like a fun weekend! |
Neil's tent is the little blue one in the middle.
Neil arranged this whole weekend about 6 months ago. He arranged for Bennett to go to Ruston to stay with his parents, my mom to stay with me and Henry, and for me to have a spa day. Everything happened just as planned except for that spa day. Still waiting.
Before Bennett left with Nana, we went to "Chick-a-lay" for breakfast and play. Pops met us and shared his milkshake with Bennett. I don't really know how much I like Bennett having a milkshake before 9 am! |
I sent this picture to Neil so he could see our sweet baby! I LOVE him! |
Caroline and Lindsay stopped by for a little bit on Friday morning before Bennett left. Caroline looked so cute in her big girl outfit!
How cute are they? |
I was thankful that Mom stayed with me and fed Henry at night. I got up and made the bottles, changed him, and swaddled him for her. She said she would get up and do everything, but I just wanted to be sure everything was running smoothly. I guess I am paranoid. On Saturday, Mom and I went to Marilyn's son's retirement party. Mariyln was one of my Gammy's best friends and she invited us. I had never met the son, so it was a little awkward for me, but Marilyn wanted me to bring Henry so we went. The most hilarious part of the event was when Marilyn made everyone get in a circle and tell how they knew her son. If people started talking while she was talking, she would stop and yell out for everyone to pay attention! I just sat there and chuckled to myself. She called on everyone by name and when she came to me she said "Lindsey, oh yea you don't know George we just wanted her to bring the baby" in front of 60 people!
Mom loved showing off H! |
me, Henry, Marilyn, and Mom |
After the retirement party, we went and had dinner at Carol and Leslie's. Leslie ordered Imperial and I made whoopie pies. We had a good time scoping out fun Halloween baked goods. Halloween is my 2nd favorite holiday.
Carol was so sweet to hold Henry after Leslie fed him. |
Henry and I got up this morning and went to SS and church. I only got to attend about 5 minutes of SS, because Henry started to fuss. He was sooooo good during church. I have been missing worship so much so I was glad to go today!
Can't wait for Bennett to get home!!
Nana sent this to me while Bennett was still in Ruston. He didn't have his Saints gear so they made a shirt for him! |
I just laughed out loud about the circle at the retirement party! All of the details about it are hilarious!