Friday, July 13, 2012

My Henry is 11 months old???

This was an attempt at a July patriotic photo but you can't really tell that there are stars on the background fabric.

Wow.  How did Henry get to be 11 months old?  I cannot believe that he will be 1 next month.  How did this happen?  Time has flown.  Everyone says it goes way faster with the 2nd child and they weren't lying.  What is Henry up to these days?
  • size 4 diaper
  • 9-12 month clothes and some 18 month clothes.
  • You are into more now than you were at 10 months.  You are opening cabinets and crawling in.  You even opened my drawers and pulled all my underwear out!
  • You can pretty much eat an entire Puffs can in about 2 days.  You enjoy mum mums, bits of table food, and pretty much anything we will give you.
  • You now have 2 teeth on the bottom.  Dr. Crittell says that you are going to be getting your eye teeth little vampire!  I just went back and read about Bennett at 11 months and he had 6 teeth!  It's funny how much you forget.
  • You love to clap, give high fives, and have just started waving bye-bye.
  • You are such a happy baby!
  • You are "talking" and mumbling WAY more now that you have gotten tubes.  
  • You put everything in your mouth. You will find the tiniest thing and put it directly in your mouth and just go on about your business.  
  • One of your favorite things to do it to throw a ball and then fetch it.  It is so funny to watch!
  • We are working on signing the word "more" to you.  You think clapping is "more."  I am about to give up on the whole signing bit.
  • You eat 3-4 6-oz bottles a day plus baby food for breakfast and dinner.
  • You love to play with Bennett.  If Bennett is around you want to be next to him.  Your favorite place to play is his room.
  • You pinch a lot.  I know you don't know you are doing it but your tiny fingers are so hurts!
  • You've only stood on your own 1 time and it was for about 5 seconds.  You don't like to "walk" holding our hands like Bennett did.
This is how hard it is to get a picture of an 11 month old on the go boy!

Bennett had to get on the action too!


  1. I LOVE Henry's fat little legs! I don't want our babies to turn a year old...maybe you're ready, but I'm NOT!

  2. 11 months...time certainly does fly. I can't wait to see what you put together for his birthday! Your little vampire is adorable. Happy 11 months Henry!


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