Friday, December 19, 2014

Henry's Christmas Program and party

We were so excited to see Henry sing at his K-3 program.  He was so excited that we were attending, too.  Until he saw us and then shut-down and didn't do a thing but reach for me and say "mama."  Next time we will get on the back row instead of the front so he can't see us.  The weirdest thing about it is he knew all the songs and hand motions because he would sing at home all the time.  It was the cutest thing ever!!  There's always next year.

We got a smile and then it was downhill from there.

Wouldn't even ring his bell

Dawson was hilarious!

sweet thing.

I was so glad my parents came to watch.  It was a fun time for all of us.After the 15 minute program we went to the classroom for gift opening and the fun snack.  Gammy and Pops joined us.


Opening his present to donate to the classroom.

It was almost like Neil was ready to leave or something.

Cookie decorating

Great job!  He ate all the marshmallows off the cookie.

Us with our big boy 3 year old!

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