Monday, May 2, 2011


Abbie did a cute post on what her daughter says these days and I thought I should do the same.  Bennett says so many funny things.  I want to document a few of them here.

ice cream= ice cream man

Bennett loves to sing.  His favorites include ABCs, Jesus Loves Me, Baby Bumblebee, Ring Around the Roses, and lots of others.  Today I was listening to K-LOVE and that song "I will follow" by Chris Tomlin came on.  I was singing it and then about 10 minutes later Bennett started singing "when you move I move..."  It took me a second to get what he was singing...I was a proud mama!

counting: 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 or sometimes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (usually he leave out the 4...if I remind him..he can get them all!)

any gas station= ICEE store

anyone mowing grass: mow man

store= stow-wah

Henry: Hen-we

When something happens with an inanimate object that he doesn't like he will say "no, (insert object here)." Such as "no, shirt!"  "no, Elmo!"

Bennett is LOVING his daddy...he wants to be just like him.  For instance, if Neil takes off his shirt-Bennett wants his shirt off.

When Bennett plays on the swing-set that Neil built...he always says "thank you Daddy!"

We are sort of weird around here and make up words and phrases.  I get this from my mom.  We say things like "shou shou" for shower, "coldsey woldseys" for cold, and my mom says things like "nelly bells" if we go over a bump or something random.  Bennett says all of these!  It is so funny to hear him say the random things we make up.

1 comment:

  1. Bennett gets his ‘isms’ honestly then! I love that he was singing Chris Tomlin!


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