Thursday, April 28, 2011

Draft Party

Neil had a great idea to have a little gathering at the house tonight for the NFL draft.  He loves to have people  over to his "man cave."  He came home at lunch to put chicken on the smoker for all the guys.  He did a great job setting everything up.  I got home from my Learning Center class and saw this...

He used Bennett's easel coloring paper to cover the island.  Great idea, Neil!  You know how I love to keep the place tidy.

A few guys from work and a couple friends came over to watch.  Bennett was LOVING having all the people over.  He thinks it is so cool when people are "uh-stairs."  He loved that he and Trey Pittman had on the same shoes...he even went to show him.

Since we needed to give the guys some time without a 2 year old running around, Bennett and I headed to a the Frozen Frog for a little date.

He loves pulling the yogurt handle to get his yogurt!  Bennett got orange and strawberry yogurt with grapes, gummy bears, and sprinkles!

We love the Frozen Frog.  I am thinking about having Bennett's 3rd birthday there.  I will always need a place  that is inside for his December birthday.



  1. Bennett looks serious about that yogurt! We watched the draft last night too! And in between the Office…good-bye Michael Scott!


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