I think Bennett is going to love swimming! We had Water Babies class at Red River Scuba on Thursday morning. We are taking this class each Thursday in June. It was sort of unorganized, but it was fun for the babies. Bennett loved splashing around and chewing on the diving rings. He was the youngest in the class and was one of the last ones still in the water towards the end of class. I took him out early due to shriveled fingers! I was glad that Casey (Mason's mommy) was there to take pictures for us!
Does this baby look like he had a blast or what?
Here is the social circle at Water Babies. I don't know if that is what it is called, but we call it "social circle" at Gymboree so there you go.
Here are 3 tired babies after class. Mason, Bennett, and Georgia. Bennett went right to sleep when we got in the car.
The only organized part of the class was "Wheels on the Bus" and "Ring Around the Rosey." Those were really fun and seemed to engage the babies. I am going to look online for some different ideas!

like the new background and signature!!!