Monday, March 26, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

It's no secret that we have been trying to find childcare for Henry since before he was born.  I put him on a daycare list back in December 2010.  I went back to work when Henry was 5 1/2 months old in 2012 and he was still NOT in anywhere.  

We were desperate.  

I called around everywhere and finally found a couple of people that kept kids in their homes.  We went to one lady that had about 12 half naked kids at her house and we ran out the door and never turned back.  Then we stumbled upon Mimi and Charles.  

I went and met them the week before I went back to work and immediately fell in love with them.  They live all the way out on Cross Lake which is about 30 minutes out of the way for us. But, when you are thinking about your doesn't matter as long as they are getting good care.  They loved on Henry so much.  They have pictures of him on their cell phones.  They kissed him all day long!  We felt so comfortable having him there.

Well, last Thursday a daycare called and said he was in and would start on Monday.  Neil and I were totally stuck as to what to do.  We had become OK with the really long drive out to their house, were excited that I could keep him home this summer without paying for daycare, and we love Mary and Charles!

Mimi, Charles, and Henry

Really long story short...we decided to move Henry to his new daycare.  We just couldn't go back on anymore waiting lists and hope he got in for the fall.  It was too much of a gamble.

So, I picked Henry up on Friday from 2 very sad people.  Charles was sobbing. Mary said that she cried all day the day before.  They told me how much they loved us and him,  Ugh, it broke my heart to take him away from them.  Through tears, Charles said "take care of him."  

You're killing me, Charles!

The whole way home I was just saying "Lord, am I doing the right thing? I feel terrible! What should I do!?" I really feel in my heart that we did the right thing by moving him.  Mimi and Charles were perfect for this season of our lives.  We were so glad to have them.

I got home and cleaned out all his stuff.   

I really think it was perfect timing because I am Spring Break this week.  It is great because Henry can go for a few hours each day to get used to it rather then us dumping him off on his first day for 8 hours.

Ms. Shirley, Henry, and Ms. Shancey (love those thighs!)

Henry and Tina (Amy's mom work there and we felt so cool seeing her)

Henry loved his new daycare.  He slept, ate, and played well.  I am so happy for him to get to be around other kids.


  1. Yay for Henry's new place. Is it the place that Bennett went to?

  2. what a sweet blessing that couple was! glad day care is finally working out.

  3. Oh my gosh how heartbreaking! We went through the same thing when we moved. I almost didn't want to take the job because of having to leave our babysitters- mom/daughter team with a Pawpaw. THEY ARE PRECIOUS. But all in all, it worked out and it will with you too. Plus, you can probably still use the couple for both boys when daycare is closed for holidays :) I am sure they won't mind!

  4. It's hard not to become attached to someone who loves your child. The poignant part of it is that Henry will get a lifetime of benefit from the affection and care they gave him, but he won't have any memory of them at all.

  5. It's hard not to love someone who loves your child. The poignant part of this is that Henry will get a lifetime of benefit out of the love and care they gave him, yet he'll have no memory of them at all.


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