Please excuse my Office reference in the title. The Fashion Show was actually at Dillards. Let me tell you about our day and then get to the fashion show.
This morning we had the Captain Shreve Football pancake breakfast at Savioes. We met the Montgomerys and Claytons there.
The cutest boys.
Bennett loved the gator.

After breakfast, we met Casey and Mason at Eastridge to take 1 last swim before fall. I was so glad Casey invited us. I didn't think that Bennett was going to get to swim again due to the cast...but since we got it off last week...this was perfect! Red icees for the boys. They loved them.

We headed home so that Bennett could get his beauty sleep for his debut in the Dillard's back to school fashion show. Amy's cousin, Mary Catherine is like Ms. Dillards and used facebook to recruit models. Of course, I nominated Bennett! I don't believe that this will be our thing. When I got there it looked like all the moms were off of Toddlers and Tiaras. I was feeling really out of place. Oh well! It was cute to see him get up on stage and and do his thing. Amy even heard someone in the audience say "he's a natural!" Bahahahahahaha!
After breakfast, we met Casey and Mason at Eastridge to take 1 last swim before fall. I was so glad Casey invited us. I didn't think that Bennett was going to get to swim again due to the cast...but since we got it off last week...this was perfect! Red icees for the boys. They loved them.
We headed home so that Bennett could get his beauty sleep for his debut in the Dillard's back to school fashion show. Amy's cousin, Mary Catherine is like Ms. Dillards and used facebook to recruit models. Of course, I nominated Bennett! I don't believe that this will be our thing. When I got there it looked like all the moms were off of Toddlers and Tiaras. I was feeling really out of place. Oh well! It was cute to see him get up on stage and and do his thing. Amy even heard someone in the audience say "he's a natural!" Bahahahahahaha!
Ms. Dillards (Mary Catherine) did all of the announcing. She said "Bennett is going back to pre-school in his green polo and levi jeans!"

This was before the show. Bennett liked getting on the stage. He thought it was fun to stomp his feet.

This was before the show. Bennett liked getting on the stage. He thought it was fun to stomp his feet.
I think Bennett may have a promising future! I love that picture with him and the alligator and I love that blog post title!