We had a lot of fun today. We went to Sci-Port and played outside. We are not ready to go back to school/work tomorrow!

We attended a little exhibit called "edible blood." Karo syrup was the plasma, hot tamales were the red blood cells, mini marshmallows were white blood cells and sprinkles were the platelets!

This boy loved the edible blood!

I was trying to pull the pulleys for Bennett and a lady walked up and asked if she could take our picture! I love when people do that.

This was really cool! Don't worry...he was buckled in!

He saw a couple of balls in the throwing cage thing and was all about it! I threw one to show him how and it clocked 29 mph! I didn't know I had such a good arm... :)

We got home and Bennett napped. I went to Target and bought him some new toys. He has been needing some new stuff. Most of his toys are sort of babyish and I wanted him to have some new things. Neil showed Bennett how to use his tee and bat.


Looks like a fun day.....I hate when long weekends end
ReplyDeleteWhat a great weekend! Sorry we missed you guys, it was a bit crazy. But we'll be in town for Christmas for a week, so we should make plans to get together.
ReplyDeleteI try and ask people if I can take their picture and Ben is so embarrassed, but I love it when people ask us (very rarely).