We hopped in the car and headed to Ruston for the Lewis Family Christmas at Neil's parents. We just turned Bennett's car seat around so of course I had to get a picture of him looking around!
We got to Ruston and I immediately started getting some pictures of people for the Lewis Family calendar I have been making for the past couple years. I usually have them ready to hand out at Christmas, but this year I didn't quite make it. Mainly because of the lack of photos. Believe me, I have PLENTY of our family but I don't think everyone would want a Bennett Lewis calendar hanging on their wall. I needed to take lots of pictures of people together who have the same birthdays and such. There are about 5 days in the year that we have "doubled-up" birthdays! Crazy huh?
Here are all the girls. Top Row: Catherine, Gigi, Missy, Elizabeth, Virginia, me.
We also took a guys picture. I wanted to set the self-timer and get everyone in 1 photo, but no one really thought that was as wonderful idea as I did. Maybe next year.
Top Row: Matt, Billy, Neil, Bennett, Grim, David, Richard, & Green.
Bottom Row: Robbie, Cameron, Chad, Connor, Scott, & William.

Bennett loves to get in the tupperware drawer at Nana's house! Here he is with Grand-Machine.

Bennett loves to get in the tupperware drawer at Nana's house! Here he is with Grand-Machine.
Bennett loves to stare at Gigi! Neil's grandmother has 9 Great-grandchildren and Bennett is the only "Lewis" great. The reason for this is because Neil has 5 cousins older than him that are all girls!

We had the privilege of getting to see Baby Clara. She is the cutest tiniest thing. She was born on 12/4.

Rebecca said that she now knew what it must be like to be an only child. Since Andrew is in New Zealand until March and we didn't make it to Ruston until 11:45am...she was alone the whole morning. She didn't get to open a single gift or her stocking. I felt really bad for her so I insisted that she open one of the gifts that we got for her.
Rebecca said that she now knew what it must be like to be an only child. Since Andrew is in New Zealand until March and we didn't make it to Ruston until 11:45am...she was alone the whole morning. She didn't get to open a single gift or her stocking. I felt really bad for her so I insisted that she open one of the gifts that we got for her.
I think she loved her Snuggie! Too bad the thing smelled like cardboard and was a little itchy. I'm just glad that she "won't have to raise her heating bill!"

After everyone went home, we had just our immediate family Christmas. Richard hands out the gifts by saying "Ho Ho Ho (insert name here)!" It is a lot of fun. We started off with our stockings. We get to dig through $2 bills to find out who is Santa's favorite. Whomever has a $1 in the midst of all the $2 bills is Santa's favorite. It turned out that Neil was Santa's least favorite because he had the $1 but was missing a $2! It was pretty funny and hope not too confusing as you read this!
Rebecca loved her new Kitchen Aid mixer. She is a great baker so this will really come in handy for her.

These were some really cool gifts from Richard and Janine.
One is this cute lime green tray. Love it! I also got the most amazing house shoes. They are the softest furriest comfy shoes ever.

Richard says that he is now "inVESTed." He loves fleece vests so we gave him his 3rd. He wore this the rest of the day!

Neil was thrilled about his new cajun fryer. He has been wanting one of these for about 3-4 years now.

Neil was thrilled about his new cajun fryer. He has been wanting one of these for about 3-4 years now.
Rebecca gave Neil a smoker for Christmas. I am guessing that Neil is going to be doing a lot of cooking! Doesn't Neil look cute in this picture?

After a ton of fun, we ate left overs and went to bed.
After a ton of fun, we ate left overs and went to bed.
Neil and Richard went hunting in Tensas and we got to eat lunch with Janine, Rebecca, and Matthew at the Bistro. It was a good time!

So fun! I always make people do a group picture with the timer! I mean...you want everyone in the picture!