We had a wonderful time in Oneonta, AL visiting with my family. I will have to be honest and say that we dread the long trip but, it is always so worth it when we get there! Bennett was a perfect angel the entire 8 hour trip! He slept most of the way and the time he was awake-he was being sweet. We stayed at the Covered Bridge Inn. We will not make this mistake again. There are only 2 motels in Oneonta. Best Western next time for the Lewis Family!
My grandfather, Grump has never met his newest great-grandson. He was thrilled to meet him!
He kept telling all the nurses that Bennett looked just like him!
4 Generations!
We went to lunch at the Downtown Diner and noticed a store across the street called "Bennetts!" I just had to go in and see the place and of course get a picture of the baby in front. We went in and it was a small town department store. I think they have had the same things in there since they opened. BUT!... We went upstairs and found a ton of Feltman Brothers outfits for SO CHEAP! I am so proud of the sweet deals we found.
We got to see most of my Grump's brothers and sisters. The only one we missed was Uncle Don. Grump has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. They are in order of girl, boy, girl, boy and so on and so forth. It is really neat to see them all come together to see their brother and his family. They reserved the little conference room at the nursing home and brought in sandwiches and "nack nacks" as Grump called them. Aunt Charlotte brought in 2 crawfish tablecloths to cover the table and then let me take them home for our annual crawfish boil! Aunt Joyce made the most delicious tea cakes. Trust me, they melt in your mouth! She promised to e-mail the recipe. Aunt Sue brought the drinks and cups. I was so glad to see Aunt Bonnie, Red, Uncle Etzel, Phyllis, Mike and Uncle Wayne. Have I mentioned that Uncle Wayne and Grump look just alike? Well they do. It was a great afternoon.
We finished off the day with Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Steve, Uncle Mike, Cousin Carrie, and her boyfriend, Jason. We had a nice meal at Pizza Hut.
Grauntie Carolyn and Cousin Carrie
We got up on Saturday morning and headed to the nursing home to say good-bye to Grump and the rest of the family. Uncle Mike bought us our traditional Easter Peeps. We got on the road at about 10:30 am and pulled in our drive-way at 6:30 pm. Talk about a long day. I always love getting to spend time with my family. There are so few of us and it's great to be with them.
Bennett's first time out of Louisiana!
That looks like so much fun. Bennett has so much family!