We were so thrilled to be invited to the Match Day activities for our friend, Chris Beck. We went to the Mabry House with his family the night before and it was fabulous...as always! Match Day was very exciting. I had the chills the entire time!! It was so emotional to see where the future doctors are going to be doing their residencies. Some were happy and some were not so happy. Our little Match Day Candidate was one of the happy ones! He got his first choice of Vanderbilt! CONGRATS TO CHRIS BECK...FUTURE MD! I think we will have some Nashville trips in our future. Fine by me...I love Nashville! Here are a few pictures from the festivities:
Here's the video of "Christopher" reading his fate! (No, I do not know how to make the video right side up!)
We are so proud of you, Beck! We will be even more proud when we get free x-ray readings!
Lindsey-thanks so much for all the pictures and video. Also thanks for sharing this time with us and being Chris' friend!