Thursday, November 11, 2010

23 months

I have skipped these monthly updates for the past few months so here goes...

Bennett, I cannot believe you will be 2 years old in only one short month. It baffles me how fast time flies. You are the joy of our lives and we love watching you grow and learn everyday.

What have you been up to?

  • You LOVE to play with balls. You will make anything into a ball...even pumpkins.

  • You talk so much now. Your speech is getting so clear. Sometimes, it is still jibberish but you are learning!
  • When you see football on tv you used to say "feetball!" Now, you say "football!" or "go go go!"
  • You love to bring books to us to read to you. Sometimes, you will go get a book and "read" it yourself.
  • You still LOVE milk. You would drink it all day if we let you.
  • You are really attached to your "babies." You have 3. You love to carry them around in the mornings.
  • You wear mostly 24 months clothes. Some are pretty long, but they work.

  • You wear a size 5 diaper and are not looking like you will be potty training anytime soon. You will tell us "poo poo" sometimes.
  • You cannot seem to grasp your colors. I think you may be colorblind because you say that everything is green. I have been trying to drill colors with you for months. You know the names of colors, but cannot identify them.
  • You started saying Gammy finally! It sounds like "Damy," but it works. You said it on 10/28/10...I know this because it was Aunt Rebecca's birthday.
  • You speak some in phrases like: "Look Mommy," "Here Daddy," "Want some," and others.
  • You have been moving your little chairs over to this toddler play table like your own little work area. It is so cute.

  • You have started loving "The Mouse!" You say either "the mouse" or "Me Mouse" in the mornings. Dad sometimes plays it for you while he is getting ready for work. You dance around saying "hot dog, hot dog, hot dog."
You are pretty much the most handsome, sweetest, perfect boy we could have ever asked for! We love watching you grow into such a sweet boy. We love you.


  1. So sweet, Im going to hate moving back to Ruston and not seeing him as much.

  2. I love that he said "Damy." So cute!

  3. Don't worry about the colors! I swore my son was colorblind when he was almost 2 because he REFUSED to identify his colors correctly- everything was "blue". I asked the doctor and he thought I was crazy and said he would do it in his own time and sure enough- at the age of 3 he knows all his colors now! Just keep working on it!


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