Friday, September 26, 2014

Outdoor Movie Night

Before we moved into our new house I knew I wanted to have outdoor movie nights.  Thankfully, Jody has a 12 foot screen and projector so that we could have the movie night!  We are thinking about getting one, because it was just so much fun and we have the yard for it.  We even set it up to watch the Saints play and just for the boys to be able to watch a movie before bed.  Tons of fun was had by all 50 people that attended!!!

Last minute, I rented a popcorn machine.  I had to because people had changed their plans and decided to come.  We showed A Bug's Life and had bug themed pudding.  Easy Peasy.

I was literally shocked they the kids sat and watched the first 30 minutes of the movie!

Sister thought this was her bottle.

Caroline is such a gymnast!!

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