Friday, November 2, 2012

Downtown Denver

After getting "Fluffed," we headed to the brewery where the fellows were located.  We walked in and they were shocked!  I don't know if it was because we just looked so awesome or if they'd been drinking too much.  I am going with we just looked so fancy they couldn't contain themselves.

Matthew and Casey

Me, my braid, and Neil

Beau and Leigh
After the brewery we headed to Vesta Dipping Grill.  This was a really cool spot where they served 3 dipping sauces with every food.  Beau argued that the food was so good it didn't need the dips.  I am guessing he didn't get the concept of the restaurant!

the 6 after dinner

We headed to the train station and noticed that the boys were carrying our H&M bags!  We turned around and told them to strike a pose and they did!

Boys love H&M!

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