Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Sarah Kathryn tested for KINDERGARTEN!

Our girl is old enough to test for Kindergarten?  Wait, What?  Yeah, she is old enough!  HOW!?

She is so ready and LOVES school more than anything!  She wants to go to school everyday and not have weekends or breaks.  

So, I took her for her test and told her that she needed to answer all of their questions and she could choose where she wanted to go!  All 3 of my kids have chosen to go to Chuck-E-Cheese.  She chose that and the Library!   She did great (she said) so we headed to CEC.  We were thrilled that we were going to get to babysit Lillian while Rebecca and Daniel ran to Marshall,TX.

Ready to go back to test!

super pumped!

We got to see our favorite people!

I'm at Chuck E Cheese on a random Wednesday!

There were only about 6 other people there so she had Charles to herself!

I got to snuggle Lillian and rock her to sleep.  I even played a bunch of games because 100 tokens for a 4 year old is too many!

Next Stop: Library!  She loves it so much!  I hope she always does!

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