Friday, July 21, 2017

VBS 2017

VBS has started to become one of my favorite weeks of the summer. I used to love to drop off my kids and go on my merry way, but now I love being there and seeing them during their time.  I get to be in charge of the hospitality cart and it is just about my favorite thing!  I get to make up a cart of snacks and drinks and drive it around to all the teachers.  BEST VBS job EVER!  Another fab thing is that all 3 of my kids could attend VBS this year!  SCORE!

The girl who usually does it had a horrible tragedy in her life so Amy stepped in to help me. I am so glad we got to be the snack cart girls!

It was Stacey's idea to do little festive favors each day for the teachers to go along with the Bible verse or key point for each day.  Right up my alley!

Hospitality chairmen!

We got to take a couple friends with us one day!  We all met Dad at Julieanne's for breakfast before.

Here's one of our festive favors.

We did this one last year and this year.

Henry's group!

SK and Dean in the 3 year old area

This was my favorite this year.
On the last day of VBS, there's a hot dog lunch and performances by all the groups.  If I've heard these songs once, I've heard them 10,000 times!  SK LOVES the VBS songs.  Or CVS songs as Henry says.
She got to sing and was a little shy.

Bennett on crazy hair day!

Orange shirt day/crazy hair day

Henry and Nash

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