Saturday, September 11, 2010

Super Safety Saturday

Junior League put on Super Safety Saturday this weekend at Safetytown. Boy was it hot!!!!! I was drenched when I got home.

Here are the Richardsons. Glad they came out to support it!

Margaret Roane used my camera and took pictures of everything that went on the whole day. I worked registration with 3 other girls.

I think they might have put the wrong people at the front! We were feeling really bad about charging people to enter. Let's just say that a few people got past us!

Mom brought Bennett out to see all the fun stuff. He saw this snake and was not too excited about it. He did say "sssssssss" when he saw it but that's about it.

We had all types of safety vehicles for the kids to climb on. Here he is on a motorcycle with this nice police officer.

There was even a helicopter!

Here he is in the mobile command center.

mmmmm a sno cone with Gammy!

Gammy took Bennett to play on the go-karts. They weren't running, but sitting in it was just fine with him.

1 comment:

  1. That snake is huge! Was there a lesson in safety with snakes?


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