Thursday, December 28, 2017

Independence Bowl and Shreveport Aquarium

Uncle Mike and Aunt Carolyn came to town to visit and see about Dad after Carolyn was diagnosed with lung cancer.  We were so glad they came to visit!  She was so sick and Dad really needed the support.

Dad got tickets to the Independence Bowl for Uncle Mike, Bennett, and him.  It was FREEZING!  I warned them before they went that Bennett would NOT want to leave.  I am talking he likes to stay at games until they are over no matter the score.  They stayed until the bitter end even when the score was up over 30 points!

Dad and Bennett at the Indy Bowl

Dad, B,and Uncle Mike

People kept clearing out but Bennett was there still watching!

They came back home after the game to warm up and Uncle Mike helped me with some Festive Favors!

Uncle Mike trying some Red River Brewing


Siblings plus Henry

While we were still out on break we picked up Henry's friend John Hunter and went to the Shreveport Aquarium.  So glad we have an aquarium now!  We used to just go to PetSmart to look at their fish and call it a day.

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