Sunday, August 20, 2017

Bennett's Bible Presentation

Our church has a wonderful tradition where they present a Bible to each 3rd grader.  What a wonderful family-filled morning!  We were so thrilled that Rebecca, Daniel, Dad, Carolyn, and Richard and Janine all came to celebrate their favorite 3rd grader!  

Our celebrating was short lived because Neil and I were called of church to check on Sarah Kathryn.  Apparently she had fallen and her chin busted open spilling blood all over her dress and the floor.  They had to change her into some old clothes they had in a storage bin.  Poor girl!  Glad she is A-OK.  Thankfully we had some friends look at her chin and they determined she only needed glue.  No stitches for our girl.

We returned to church and sat on the back row with no family, a bloody dress, and a sad little girl.  Memories!

Sweet 3rd grade boys

At the reception after church

How sweet!

They are extra sweet with their dabbing.

He was so glad Nana and Granddad were there!

The crew!  So glad everyone celebrated with us!

We were glad that Keegan, Anna Claire, and Jenny joined us.  

God Bless Bennett! (cross cookies for the favors)

And Happy 41st Anniversary to Nana and Granddad!

We got to celebrate them, too!

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