Friday, April 19, 2013

Super-Filled Saturday

I am so behind on blogging!!!  But, I've been taking pictures and that's what counts, right???

Last Saturday, we had lots of social fun.  We are usually never busy on Saturdays but it just so happened that everything we got to do for April was on the same day.  The Allen's hosted a crawfish boil and invited us.  We were glad to see their new house.  They just moved up to Shreveport from New Orleans about 6-8 months ago and this is one of the only times I have seen them.  

Family pic, Bennett spraying the crawfish, Kyle and Lila Allen didn't get one of Lindsey),  Henry, and crawfish

Next, Bennett had a birthday party for one of the kids in his class.  The party was actually for 3 little girls and it was HUGE.  They had 2 ponies, 2 jump houses, a photo booth, and the ICE CREAM Truck even showed up!  Bennett was in heaven!

Keegan, Sam, and B in the photo booth

Bennett riding "Dumplin!"

After the party, we had our Sunday School social.  Betsy, a new member of our class hosted at her fabulous home.  She had the best set-up for a party.  Huge backyard with tree house, swing-set,  trampoline, and a heated pool!  It was fabulous!
Neil/Henry, Henry crying because he fell off the swing-set and got a mouth full of dirt, Joseph/Henry, and Bennett swimming

Our last stop of the evening was to Carolyn's house.  Her kids and grandson were in town looking at houses because they will be moving here this summer.  We went because they were having a "gender reveal" to find out what Sarah is having.  I didn't even know she was pregnant!  She bit into the cupcake and the center was blue!  It's another boy for them!
Sarah and the blue cupcake!

1 comment:

  1. I love that y'all matched on the fun filled Saturday! :)


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