Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 27-30 of me! (It's over, aren't you glad?)

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
I really just liked getting to answer all of the random questions.  I started it back in the summer when I had a bunch of spare time on my hands and I've really enjoyed it.  

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then? 
August 11, 2011 and August 11, 2012
I have changed for obvious reasons: I went from being pregnant to having a 1 year old!  I went from having 1 kids to 2.  Neil and I have grown in our marriage.  Our year has been full of challenges, fun, and happy times.  I am so glad I had these 3 boys to accompany me this past year.

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Lots and I hope I continue to learn new things daily.

Day 30- Who are you?

I am wife to Neil

Mama to Henry

Mommy to Bennett (love this picture of him)
I am daughter of Lauri and Bill, sister to Michael, and friend to many.  I am a lover of church, blogging, food, people, computers, Words with Friends, monogramming, and new clothes (not necessarily in that order).  Basically most things you want to know about me you can find out right here on this blog. There are some things I keep private and will always keep private especially when it comes to my family.  I am honest and feel deceitful when I am trying to surprise someone.  I love to make lists and cross things off the lists. I like to grocery shop especially when it's a Target.  I am proud to be a wife and a mother.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words my friend. I love hearing about the 30 days of you! Great things to document so your great, great, great grandkids will know!


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