Friday, March 2, 2012

Date your Man-Love Notes

I am linking up with Amanda for her "date your man" linky party.  These are so much should try it!  We sort of had a date last night.  We are taking a marriage class at church and it is so exciting.  I have been looking forward to it since our last meeting  We had the first official class last night and we learned a lot of fun stuff.  Last night we learned to do dyads, love notes, and other general class procedures. 

We got to sit with each other and talk without very many interruptions for 2 whole minutes!  This was during the dyad...more on that later.

Today I will share the love notes section.  We were supposed to write this:

My spouse deserves to be loved, honored, and respected because ___________.

So, we did it.

You just fill in the blank with your spouse's name and then include a reason why they deserve to be loved, honored, and respected.

This is what Neil wrote to me!

He explained later that I should be loved, honored, and respected for EVERY reason. 

I am going to make a sheet of labels where I can leave them randomly for Neil.  If you want to do this for your spouse, I made them easy for you to print out. Click here. Thanks, Amanda!


  1. So sweet! I SO wish that Matthew and I could take that class!

  2. Wow! This is so awesome! I'm going to see if Ben will do this too! Thanks for linky up. You know my prayer for you and Neil this week.

  3. I love the labels! Thanks for link. Neils response was super sweet :)


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