Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bennett is 3!

I cannot believe I have a 3 year old!  It is just crazy to me how fast Bennett has grown from a little baby to a little boy.  We love watching him grow and learn each day.

I can't believe we went from this:
Bennett 12/11/08

to this:
June 2011

We went to the doctor for the 3 year checkup at the end of November to get a flu shot and he did not like!  We were able to get the check-up done all at the same time.

Height: 37 inches (45th %ile)
Weight: 31 pounds (50th %ile)

Dear Bennett,  Here are a few things you do these days...
  • You LOVE to sing and play musical instruments.  If you don't have an instrument, you make one out of whatever you have.  Ex: Boppy is a tuba, your shirt is a guitar, and lots of things are horns
  • You are really using your imagination these days.  The other day you were talking up a storm and pointing to something that no one could see while we were eating dinner.  You told us that you were talking to "the old man right there" and you were telling him where to sit.
  • You do a lot of pretending making things into fishing poles or other things.  I'll say "What are you doing" and you say "Fishing!"
July 2011
  • You have really been loving your brother.  But, in the past couple days you have started acting out.  Erin D. warned me about this.  You told Daddy the other day "we need to find Henry a new home."  Makes me sad and I hope that will pass.

  • You have a mind of your own.  This includes you being VERY DEFIANT.  We know that you are trying to exercise your power, but Mommy and Daddy are not loving this!
  • You have a very wide vocabulary.  You ask questions all the time and you try really hard to use words correctly.
  • You really seem to like school.  I've been in the classroom and observed you and you do a great job.  I am amazed that you sit in the circle and listen to your teacher.  Good Job!
  • You are a good sleeper and go to bed easily.  We say it's time for bed and you will get in your bed and go to sleep.  I am so proud of the way you sleep!
  • You are not potty-trained yet and really seem to not be into it.  We are going on a potty training boot camp on Christmas break.  Hopefully this will help you.  We know you can do it!
  • You wear 3T tops and bottoms and a size 7 shoe.
  • You love to eat. Especially SWEETS!  I guess you have my sweet tooth.  You love juice, milk, and water to drink.  Daddy created a special milk with chocolate and strawberry syrup in it (yuck) and YOU LOVE IT.  You really like corn-dogs, hot-dogs, ketchup, pizza, broccoli, any type of fruit, chips, and lots of others.  
  • You LOVE helping me in the kitchen.  We wash our hands, put on our aprons, and get to cooking.  You LOVE stirring and EATING the batter.
  • You are trying to tell me left and right and also what the red, green, and yellow lights mean. Such as "Stop Mommy, it's red."
  • You love the Ipad and our phones.  You love watching movies and playing games on them.
  • You like to watch cartoons a lot.  Your favorites are Curious George, Caillou, still Mickey Mouse, and  Diego.
  • You always ask "why" after almost everything.  And then you will say "oh" like you processed what we told you and you are ready to move on.
  • You have the sweetest heart.  You can be so loving and tender-hearted.  
  • If Henry cries, you will sing ABCs to him or try to give him his pacifier.  
We LOVE you so much, Bennett!  You are our little angel and we are so proud to be your parents and watch you grow daily!

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