Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday School Party

Jean and Greg, members of our Sunday School class donated a Painting with a Twist party for our class. She had a great idea to collect donations for the Haiti Mission Trip that evening. I am proud to say that out class donated a little over $1,000 for the trip! Isn't it wonderful that our friends would give that generously? I was speechless!

Anyway, the party has been planned for over a month. We had to re-schedule because of weather, but still had a great turn-out. It was so much fun to hang out outside of Sunday morning.

I just love this picture. I think it turned out so cute.

Neil and me with our paintings. Wow. They actually look really good in this picture. If you were looking at them in might not say the same thing!
It was so much fun! Thanks Greg and Jean!


  1. Nice job. Where will these hang?!

  2. That was so fun! Y'alls turned out great!

  3. Jenny Paul (not her last name anymore) is in your sunday school class!? She was my very best friend in high school. Love that girl!


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