Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Fun.

We went to Bennett's Valentine's party today at daycare. It was sort of non-eventful. They just ate lunch while we watched. We were so excited to go though. We signed up to bring treat bags and they turned out so cute. The only problem was when we got there today, there were 2 new kids in the class. I didn't have enough bags. Oops!

Here's Bennett eating his meatballs, corn, fruit cup, goldfish, and a sandwich!

He was wearing his "love machine" shirt!

We had a big crew at the party. Me, Pops, Gammy, Aunt Becky and her boyfriend, Stephen.

Bennett received this ball in the mail from his "Scuzins in Spring." It was neat to receive a ball in the mail! He loves this thing! He really likes when we throw it and bounce it.


  1. OMG! Bennett looks like such a BIG boy sitting at that table eating! And I really LOVE his "Love Machine' shirt!!!! Super-cute!

  2. Fun times! Did he like the meatballs?


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