Monday, November 23, 2009


I have been wanting to sponsor a Compassion child ever since I first heard about the program a couple of years ago. I always ended up putting it off or forgetting to go online and do it. Neil and I were talking about it and decided to do it. We are so excited to be sponsoring a little boy named Bendy from Haiti. He has the sweetest little face will be 5 this December. I am just so glad to know that I can send $38 a month to something worthwhile and not waste it on something frivilous that I would forget about 2 days later.

So today, I opened up my envelope and saw this sweet picture:

And then I wrote a letter describing our family and what we like to do. It will be translated for Bendy by Compassion's translators. Later on today I will pick up a picture of our family to send with the letter.

After reading Kelly's Blog, I just really felt led to sponsor a child. I think it is also a great way to give money to the church without just writing a check to your home church. I feel like I will be able to see my money go and help someone in need!


  1. I seriously just teared up! That is awesome.

  2. Wow, I didn't know you were doing this! I, too, have been reading on Kelly's blog about it and think it is such a great organization. I think it is awesome you guys are doing this!


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